Creating & Editing Custom Fields
SimpleClinic provides as little information to be stored for clients as you may need, to make the application simple and useful! But we understand that we all have different needs and requirements in our clinical practice, and we may need additional client information to be stored.
Instead of SimpleClinic providing many dozens or more different fields for every possibility, we give you the option to use Custom Fields, so you can save and use just the right amount of data you need to make SimpleClinic work in your practice!
Custom Fields can be added to:
Treatment Notes
Client records.
Custom Fields can be accessed from the Content -> Custom Fields option in the main menu.
In this screen you can add, edit and delete custom fields.
Adding custom fields
Click on the Add New button to create a new custom field.
A custom field requires the following information:
Label - An easy to identify name for the custom field.
Name - An internal application-only field which you can\'t edit.
Type - The custom field only offers Text Area fields at the moment.
Ordering - Use this field to place the custom fields in your preferred numerical order on the treatment note or prescription.
Show on Prescription - Select Yes or No for this field to apply to prescriptions.
Show on Treatment Note - Select Yes or No for this field to apply to treatment notes
Show on Client Record - Select Yes or No for this field to apply to client records
Click on OK to save the new custom field.
The custom fields will be applied and available for previous and new treatment notes or prescriptions.
Editing custom fields
Click on the Edit button to edit a selected custom field.
Edit the fields needed and click on OK to save.
Appointment Types
Appointment types in SimpleClinic are a way to customise or change the Custom Content fields, based on the practitioner, the practitioner's modalities, or the type of consultation being booked.
For example, a clinic may have multiple practitioners with different qualifications, or a single practitioner may have multiple modalities they use. As such, there won't be a single way to collect Treatment note data which will suit everyone or all modalities. But you can by using Appointment Types!
Custom Fields can be accessed from the Custom Content -> Appointment Types menu in the top navigation bar.
In this screen you can add, edit and delete Appointment Types.
Adding appointment types
Click on the Add New button to create a new appointment type.
The red box indicates fields which must be filled in. An appointment type requires the following information:
Name -- A descriptive name for the appointment type.
Custom fields -- Select or unselect one or more of the custom fields which apply to the new appointment type. Select multiple custom fields by holding down the CTRL key and selecting each field which applies.
Click on OK to save.
Editing appointment types
From the Appointment Types screen, click on the Edit button to change an appointment type.
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Select or unselect multiple custom fields by holding down the CTRL key and selecting each field which applies.
Click on OK to save.