
SimpleClinic includes many built-in reports which can be used for checking and monitoring many aspects of your clinic, including marketing, financials, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) on clients and practitioners, orders, inventory, and more!

Additional reports are made available from time to time, or upon request.

Clicking Reporting from the main navigation bar will take you to the reporting page.

Select the required report from the dropdown list, and the report will be displayed. You can also use the Print and Download CSV buttons to print the report or to save the data into a file which can be opened and edited in Excel if desired.

A list of current reports and their descriptions or use is as follows:

Report Name Details
Backorder report Shows the invoices and order items that have been marked as either back order, waiting pickup or needs shipment.

Restricted to the invoice practitioner branding IF the user is either a practitioner OR an employee. Displays ALL invoices if the logged in user is an admin or reception role.
Orders waiting picking Customers and invoices which are awaiting pickup
Orders need shipping Products and invoices which are ready to ship out to customers
Patients out of supps Provides a report of patients that HAVE run out of supps or WILL run out of supps in the next 7 days based on the dosage associated with their most recent prescription and their LAST invoice date.

This report is intensive and runs each night.

This report requires admin, employee or reception access, so is not available to practitioner users.
Sales report This is the report that you should generate each day, or each week or each month to send to Xero (online accounting app) if required.

This report will show all invoices that have ANY payment in the given date range, broken down into their payment method

The most common use for this report is to check end of day/next day takings.

This report includes an additional column for the GST included in the line.

The GST amount is ALWAYS the total GST amount of the full invoice NOT only the paid amount. Please note this if you allow part payments.
Expense report This report will list all expenses that have been paid within the given date range.

If the user is a practitioner OR employee, this report will return NO data.
Sales report (by practitioner link) Shows all clients (for the practitioner) and the products and services sold in the given period. This report can be used to work out commissions for the practitioners.

This report will list all sales in the given date range where

there is ANY payment made. The practitioner filtering is based on the practitioner link in the client information.
Sales report (by location) Shows all clients (for the location) and the products and services sold in the given period.

This report will list all sales in the given date range where there is ANY payment made.
Invoices not fully paid Displays all invoices where there has been a part payment or NO payment to the invoice.

This report EXCLUDES invoices that have been set to hidden.
Reconciliation report This report will group all payments by date and the payment method across a REQUIRED date range.

It filters on practitioners based on the invoice practitioner branding field.
Xero report This will return all invoices with the payment amount and the Xero ID if it has been sent to Xero. The most common use for this report is to identify sales that have not been sent to Xero.
Product sales (by invoice practitioner branding) This report will return productpractitioner branding)sales only (not services) in thepractitioner branding) given date range where there ispractitioner branding) ANY payment in the GIVEN date range.

The report is based on invoice practitioner branding.
Referral sources report This report will show the new clients created in the given date range along with the client's referral source, or how they found your clinic.

If the user is a practitioner, it will only show their own clients.
Daily schedule This report will show appointments over a given date range broken down by day. It will include both client appointments and blocks.

If is filterable by practitioner name.

If the client is a practitioner or employee, it will only return events for them.
Active recurring invoice schedule This report will return all invoices that have a recurring payment program, along with the most recent invoice, the next invoice and the end date. It will include the payment method.
Sales by Category (filter by practitioner link) This report returns all invoiced items with the amount paid and the GST amount. The amount paid is the total invoice amount paid -- the GST amount is the tax associated with the item.
Sales by Category (filter by category) This report returns all invoiced items with the amount paid and the GST amount. The amount paid is the total invoice amount paid -- the GST amount is the tax associated with the item.
Invoiced Services (by practitioner link) This report returns all services purchased (not product sales) that have been invoiced and ANY payment has occurred in the given date range.
Stock report This report lists all inventory items which have been ordered or delivered, against how many items of each have been sold, and the amount on hand.

Prior to February 2020 this report used our internal item ID as as unique identified. From February 2020 this has changed to the manufacturer code.
Birthday report This report can be useful or marketing purposes!

Returns patient\'s having a If the user is a practitioner or employee, it will only return the patients linked to them.
Services report Returns all services along with their duration and their cost, based on the linked invoice item.

If the user is a practitioner, then it will be filtered to only show their linked services.
Patients without appointments This report can be used for showing which clients haven\'t been booked into appointments after a given date.
User SMS Usage This report shows the number of SMS messages sent through SimpleClinic for a specified date range. The client names and practitioner names are shown, along with the number of messages sent.

Reporting Visibility

Bear in mind that the results of some reports will be limited to your user access level. Practitioners can run reports but will only see their own data, and not that of the whole clinic or other practitioners.

GST in Reports

Unless otherwise indicated the GST amount is ALWAYS the total GST amount of the full invoice NOT only the paid amount. Please note this if you allow part payments.

Some reports can be created for a defined period, by selecting a starting and ending date. Reports for a period longer than 3 months can take a while to process, and a warning message will appear if this is attempted. Please contact support for these longer reports.

Clicking on the magnifying glass button at the far right of each line will take you to the invoice screen for the full details of the order.