Calendar Integrations

SimpleClinic can integrate with and synchronise with a number of external calendars, to make organising your clients, clinic and events easier!

SimpleClinic can integrate and synchronise with the following calendars:

  1. Apple iCloud

  2. Google Gmail/GSuite

  3. Microsoft Office 365

  4. Microsoft Exchange

  5. Microsoft

To configure synchronising your SimpleClinic diary to an external calendar, click on the Your Account option from the main Navigational menu at the top right of the window.

To synchronise your SimpleClinic diary to an external calendar, click on the Link button for the \"Calendar integration\" option, and you will be asked to choose which external calendar service to connect to.

Select the external calendar service you wish to synchronise with.

Tick the \"I agree...\" box to agree to the Cronofy terms of service and privacy policy. Cronofy is the application which enables SimpleClinic to synchronise to these external calendars.

Click the green \"Link Google Account\" button.

Choose which account you wish to synchronise with. Some people may have more than one email/calendar accounts, and all your accounts with the chosen service will be displayed on this screen, to choose the correct account.

Once the chosen account is selected, this needs to be confirmed to allow Cronofy to access your external calendar. Click on the Allow button to confirm and continue.

Click on the Allow button, and the screen returns to the Your User Account page, showing the Calendar Integration status as shown below.

Click on the Configure button.

This next step is to link your chosen external calendar to SimpleClinic. Click on the dropdown list and select your external calendar account.

Click on Save to apply the changes. **** update the picture here! (and in KB)

NB - When synchronising your SimpleClinic calendar to iCloud, please bear in mind that it can take about 5 minutes to synchronise events. Other calendar platforms are quicker!

Removing calendar synchronising

You can turn off synchronising of calendars by going into the Your Account settings from the main Navigation Bar.

Click on the orange Unlink button to stop further synchronising of your SimpleClinic diary to your external calendar.

When done, the Configure and Unlink buttons clear. You can enable calendar synchronising again by clicking on the Link button and completing the subsequent steps as shown in the previous section.